Just when you thought reality tv couldn’t get trashier…SPEIDI produces a new show called ‘Fist Pumping for Love’ with Emilio Masella, which is Snooki’s ex-boyfriend. To be quite honest this might turn out to be a hit, Spencer Pratt might have something here…
But it is random as heck that Speidi is producing the show. How do they even know about that juicehead guido Emilio. Snooki dumped his Italian behind when she found out he was cheating on her. What a winner. So now cameras will be following him around the country to try to find the perfect Italian woman. Are there girls out there really that desperate? Wait a minute…of course there are i.e. Flavor of love, Rock of Love, and For the Love of Ray J.
Well I might just add this to my guilty pleasure list of reality tv!! Stayed tuned…
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