Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Amber Cole thoughts....

In the past week it has blown up all over the internet and social networks. Amber Cole, 14-year old girl who performed oral sex on her ex-boyfriend to win him back. This event took place outside of her high school with two of her ex-boyfriends friends watching and recording the act. As any sex video, this went viral all over the Internet. On twitter the hash tag topic that was trending was #LeaveAmberColeAlone. This girl has been bullied by the entire nation because of this. No, I do NOT condone to this sort of behavior especially someone this young. However, she did it, it happens EVERYDAY with teenagers…they just don’t get caught. Everyone decided to degrade HER, bully HER, and disrespect HER…but the GUY is a HERO in this situation. The girl is a “SLUT” and he can just move on with his life. This is how messed up our world is. Instead of trying to help this girl out because clearly she is vulnerable has emotional and self-esteem issues, everyone goes after HER. Why is no one going after the two idiots who taped the act, or even her ex-boyfriend, clearly they where brought up with NO RESPECT for WOMEN. I really feel for this girl, I hope she stays sane enough to get through this and become a stronger individual. We need to help our younger generation and educate them…instead of laughing, pointing fingers, disrespecting, and just making the situation worse. We can do better people.
Love Fizz


  1. I agree but it is her fault cause she did the act in the first place... It doesn't matter if every other teenage in the world does it that doesn't mean she has to. If she had some self respect it would not of happened in the first place.

  2. Very good thoughts; but I'm wondering how do we know this is the girls real name. how old is this video? And how are people not getting in trouble for child porn watching this mess? And finally what negro lets there boys watch them get it in? PAUSE

  3. @Anonymous at the age of 14 does she really know much about self respect...clearly not...where is her MOTHER and FATHER teaching her about self respect...self confidence...self love...etc!
    @GodsSUN its disgusting that those boys even watched it..but remember they are CHILDREN ...clearly they dont have much of a brain...this video came out this past week...not sure how old it is!


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