
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Did Jennifer Lopez Cheat?

*UPDATE 7-22-11* I've heard now that Marc Anthony was very controlling of J.Lo. And that was the cause of their divorce. Now I'm hearing that it was actually Marc Anthony that cheated on Jennifer with a stewardess. That fool is crazy if that's the case because we all know Marc is cosmetically challenged! Anyways hopefully this is that last I speak of these two!

Rumors have it that Jennifer Lopez cheated on her husband, Marc Anthony, which led to their filing of divorce. It is said that she may have cheated with William Levy, a 30 year old Cuban HOTTIE-PATOTTIE!!! He is known as the "Brad Pitt of Cuba". With that said he probably was involved with some sort of Levy is the main squeeze in Jennifer's music video...which I heard is a bit raunchy. So perhaps all of that frolicking half-naked got their juices flowing.

Just to stir the pot a wee more...there are claims stating that Levy separated from his wife of eight years only a month after the video shoot with Jennifer. This is thought to be linked with Jennifer filing for divorce.

Marc Anthony seems to be getting over Jennifer Lopez or at least trying...announcing at a recent gig that he was newly single man and blowing kisses to women in the crowd.


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