The love i have for Drake is unexplainable; it’s actually kinda ridiculous lol. Why would I love a man that I’ve never met? Cuz he’s made out of awesomeness, that’s why! I can listen to “Thank Me Later” all day everyday…oh wait I already do. Y’all seen those videos where Drake brings a fan on stage and he be kissin all over her? YEAH RIGHT!! I would’ve fainted twice before I even go on stage. I would’ve been laying there lifeless, his very own black Snow White. Only a kiss from my prince would revive me! Lol. I’m so serious right now. I’m tryna tell y’all. I’m counting don the days I see him in concert august 13th. Wow it’s so close yet so far! I love him so much that I need a Drake fix daily. I must hear a song, see a pic, or a video, go to his twitter page, something!! I must have something Drake every single day. Can’t go a day without him. Y’all think I’m weird, that’s fine! I don’t give an EFF what nobody thinks! POW!!
I really luv da blog. Especially because you actually write on something besides always FASHION FASHION FASHION. There are over 500 blogs with the same fashion crap. And this a different blog that i actually like with the something to comment on. Keep the post coming.I'll be following!CHeck out my blog
wow! thanks so much for reading...ill def check u out. and will have more posts today dont worry!!