Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I was hanging out downtown Indianapolis one night during expo and my friends and I were by the hotdog stand. Getting ready to SMASH! My homegirls were talking to some guys and I was wandering around aimlessly, not sure what I was doing exactly, when out of nowhere Kid Capri walks by me. I’m like ‘whoa whoa wait up’. He stops and we start chattin it up. I’m like ‘you are Kid Capri’. He’s like ‘yep’. I’m so geeked at this point. I give him a hug and ask him a few questions, grinning ear to ear. I asked him what he was up to. He told me he just finished dj’ing at the All White Affair. I’m mad cuz I wanted to go to that party but we went to Blu instead. But I’m still happy too because I’m talking to Kid Capri…KID CAPRI…no kid’n man!! Lol.
I ask him what he is doing tomorrow. He told me he would be dj’ing at the All Star Basketball game and the afterparty. So I knew right then what my plans for the next day would be haha. So I’m ecstatic, it was a great way to start my fun weekend of craziness. I asked him if he was on twitter, which he replied ‘yes, @kidcapri101!’. And then he asked for my twitter name. I told him ‘@chelleshell13’. I asked him to follow me. He said he would. I was like yeah right haha.
I call up my BFF and she doesn’t answer so I leave her the most frantic hyped voicemail. To this day she talks about that voicemail I left her. That’s her favorite story of me haha.
So when I get back to my homegirl’s crib I log on to twitter to follow him…and he was following me already. I was so SHOCKED. So we tweeted a couple times at 3:30 IN DA MORNING. He really made my day…and I just wanted to let him know that.
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